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I make levels, art, and words. I'm a creative mind who can problem solve like the engineers.

Level Design Portfolio

Emergency 17 - Mappack for Black Mesa

A linear half-hour campaign through the bowels of Black Mesa's industrial facilities, searching for a train out of the complex.

Be advised that I have gone on record as to say Emergency 17 is not my best work, as I think some areas of the map suffer from room-corridor-room syndrome

koth_preposterous - King of the Hill map for Team Fortress 2

A symmetrical "King of the Hill" map featuring a facility built at the edge of a waterfall.

dm_bloodcov - Recreation of Quake Champion's Blood Covenant in Team Fortress 2

A deathmatch map using the layout of "Blood Covenant" from Quake Champions, but with an entirely new TF2-styled artpass as a secret chemical plant under the façade of an unassuming granary.

Note: The mod "Open Fortress" uses an altered version of this map. The map was ported to the mod by someone else with my permission, and my contribution to Open Fortress does not extend beyond that. The changes consist of texture and model replacements due to the mod not using certain assets that I had access to, as well as some minor creative differences between me and the modding team. The Open Fortress version of the map is still decent, although there are a few visual errors such as a few crates that are slightly floating off the ground.

Intake Prime - A map for Black Mesa

A semi-linear 15 to 20 minute map through a chemical complex that winds in and out through a ravine. Uses this setup to create a heavily interconnected map that allows players to backtrack to previously explored areas and encounter secrets.

Currently has some non-game-breaking errors/conflicts with the most recent version Black Mesa, will update if I find a good opportunity.

Phaser Foundry - A map for Doom 2

Developed specifically to try and practice making a challenging classic Doom map, after finding that my work on UAC Pacific Northwest was much too forgiving.

Toxic Trouble - A map for Doom 2

A shorter level created to experiment with keeping the player engaged with multiple conflicting problems in various encounters.

Currently in development

UAC Pacific Northwest - A mappack for Doom 2 - Indefinite Hiatus

 An assortment of levels created for Doom 2- featuring some custom assets. Currently 5 maps have been completed. I'm unsure if I will continue the project, because I now make maps using a different system that allows for more options that weren't available in vanilla Doom. That, and my opinion of some of these maps isn't quite as positive as it used to be. But I do still love the theme, so... maybe.

Spectacle Creep - A GZDoom remaster of Doom 1

An attempt to re-design classic Doom levels with a new visual style focusing on immersion. Largely stays faithful to the original layout while providing additional environmental details to make the UAC feel more like a believable space.

Only confirmed that I will finish Episode 1. Episode 2 and 3 would be fun but I'll have to see if I have the time.

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